Friday, August 13, 2010


I love going to record stores and hunting through their stock. In New Zealand there is only a handful of record stores. Over the next few weeks i will rate and preview most of the record stores and shops that sell records and other stuff around New Zealand. This segment will give you an idea of what we have to offer in New Zealand. Also i will rate these record stores now to give you a idea. Note a few of these record stores i have only been to once and if you know of more stores around NZ please email me on
Ratings will be out of 10.

10) Most excellent

8-9) Grouse, or the urban saying "Choice as"

6-7) Good

5) above average, this is still quite good

3-4) average. Average is not that bad

Anything below has promise or crap haha
Question 1-6
1) Stock, Numbers of records

2) Collectible rare stock in the shop

3) Quality and priced good

4) Service, got to be nice to the punters

5) Knowledge, Do they know their records and music

6) overall feel of the store. Do they play good music when you are digging and is the shop cool.

1) David White Gallery, Wellington
2) Galaxy records, Christchurch
3) Lo Cost records Lower Hutt
4) Conch records Auckland
5) Music box Hasting
6) Penny lane records Christchurch
7) Real Groovy Auckland
8) "" Christchurch
9) "" Wellington
10) Records Records Dunedin
11) Rockin Records Auckland
12) Samarai store Wellington
13) Slow Boat records Wellington
14) Wonderland records Lower Hutt
15) Zodiac records Dunedin
Ratings posted daily about these stores. Please feel free to coment on my ratings and give your own views on these stores.

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