Friday, August 20, 2010

21st August
Just having a break from the record store updates to provide a little information about the Wellington Ministry book fair that was on today. For the early morning people its a chance to get to TSB Arena and get in line and handle the cold weather. Usually i turn up half an hour early and have a good spot in the line for the forward advance attack on the record section. But this year i turned up 20minutes before open, and really i was 10minutes to late but no worries. By the time the line got moving and i got inside there were 20-25 filled crates of records and half of them occupied by other vinyl junkies. The first few crates were dumb then the goodish stuff starting appearing. The worst thing about smash and grab records fairs is seeing someone pick out a record you really want. Lucky for me i didn't look at any ones records and i was happy anyway. My wahine also grabs for me so two haha. Like a lot of the early people we all seemed to get good records. I walked out with 30-40 records. Compare this to last year where i was the 2nd person on the records but walked away with 3-5 records. There was a lot more vinyl this weekend than last year and reasonably priced as well $2-$10.
Checkout the vinyl junkies bottom right corner.

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